Monday 19 September 2011

Monday 19th spetember, ''Modern Life is boring''

Today started off with a short introduction to the photography rotation.
Our tutors spoke to us about photography and our brief, telling us how the week would be organised.

''MODERN LIFE IS RUBBISH'' - A song by blur

'Jim stops and gets out the car,
Goes to a house in emperor's gate,
Through the door and to his room,
Then he puts the TV on,
Turns it off and makes some tea,
Says modern life is rubbish I'm,
Holding on for tomorrow,
Then susan comes into the room,
She's a naughty girl with a lovely smile,
Say's let's take a drive to primrose hill,
It's windy there and the view's so nice,
London ice can freeze your toes
Like anyone I suppose
Holding on for tomorrow...'

For Tomorrow, Damon Albarn, Graham
Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree

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