Tuesday 20 September 2011


The next part of the day was all about composition. We looked at John stezaker, an artist I am already very familiar with from a past photography project.

His pieces are quiet disturbing, possibly because they cause us to look between both sides of the picture constantly. He puts the photos together so well that at first we accept the image as one person. then are made to double back.

Above I attempted to emulate stezaker

Then I remembered that the compostiton of my emulation was not the same as Stezakers, so here I've croppped and rotated it ina similar way. 
Photos taken from adverts in vogue. I'm pleased that I managed to find photos similar to the original actually. The only major difference is that mine is in colour. though I like that difference between the two. 


upon looking up 'how to make photos look aged' in google search I came across 

A Japanese website where you upload a photo and it will process it to look aged. I used it on the image above: 

I love the technique. I make upoad old paper and use it to layer over photos I take to attempt to achieve this aesthetic myself

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