Tuesday 20 September 2011

Modern Life Is Rubbish - For Tomorrow

Ok, So re-visiting the song, 'For Tomorrow' By blur
My weeks brief is to use the photography as my medium to answer to myself, 'Is modern life Rubbish'?
 The brief asks me many questions:

  • First of all, do I agree with Blur's album title and why? 
Personally I find this very hard to answer, Oxford dictionary's definition of modern is:

'' Adjective
Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past:the pace of modern lifemodern European history
(usually moderns) a person who advocates or practises a departure from traditional styles or values:they were moderns, they must not look back towards the old generation ''
 As far as my values are, I am fairly old fashioned, I like the idea of marriage before children and respecting your elders etc. But that's all mainly common sense. Children (I feel) need to be brought up in a stable home, to feel safe; and a couple that are married  are brought together under one roof and name, so the child knows exactly where he or she stands in that family. And as far as respecting elders is concerned, well my grandma's 82 and has had a long, busy and knowledgeable life, she knows far more than I ever will when I reach half her age! She has so many funny/useful and informative things to say to me so I respect her entirely.   
 I feel I stand somwhere not past and not entirely present. I can work a computer to an extent but I can't internet bank/use an Ipod (or own one for that matter) or listen to music that's entirely 'now'  
I don't feel I fit into a particular time as I  have carried past ways or working/cooking/speaking/living etc. with me from different years of my life and learned some traits from my parents, which I would expect they may have taken from their parents etc. etc. 
This is all getting very confusing. but I think I've explained where I feel I stand in modern life/society.
But is modern life rubbish? Not really. Some aspects are I suppose for myself; but this question's answer will most definitely vary from person to person. I feel left behind a bit my modern life, and I doubt I'll ever catch up, because I'd have to know exactly what would be happening next, to expect it to happen, To know when to act like the 'now' or 'current' time. Again. This all hardly makes sense. 
But time is all very confusing. 

I don't feel I'll ever be able to say that Modern life is rubbish. because It will always be the current time that I live in. Meaning i'd have to ask myself, ''Is my life rubbish?'' I can definitiely answer that one though. DEFINITELY NOT! Yes my life is hard, and I've taken on way more than I can chew as far as work, college and my seperate A-levels are concerned. but I'm young and if I want to become the person I want to grow to be I'll have to continue to work hard. 

  • What is modern to you? 
To me Modern is to be entirely current in the day and moment. To be on edge and with the Time.  I feel 'Proper' Modern people are those who read papers daily, have the latest phone, know the latest news, fashion, technology. and are almost ahead of time. As they know sort of what might happen next.

I prefer to plod along at the end of the parade, whirling my 5 yeah old samsung around by the phone charm, wearing clothes my nan gave me from the sixties and using terms like 'Oh Roger! You are a brick!'

  • What is different about how you live today to how your grandparents (for example) lived? 
The first major difference that is brought to mind is, Technology! My grandparents, though they do try to keep up never grew up with all this technology and electricity. I can't blame them for being slow because I have no Idea how to use an MP3 or Ipod. I don't see the use for them when I still have tapes and Cd's. Yes I see why technology keeps improving, it saves space and energy. But it's expensive to keep updating. I know full well that in about 10 years time I will be completely useless in the 'Modern-technological world' and will still be using Cd's which will probably be called 'Vintage' and will be sold in charity shops for 20p. . . (Or has that already started happening?)

Another main difference between present and past is the PACE. Life used to be much slower, but again, due to technology, life has sped up. Communication is much faster, meaning in turn, travel, news, etc. speeds up as well. There;s no more carrier pigeon and 'snail mail' is soon becoming 'Old fashioned.'

  • How does modern life make you feel? Illustrate your emotions.
A little lost, a tad confused. 
It's like asking me constantly how I feel as a result of what I am doing right now. I know where I want to be, which Is why I do what I do now. I know what I've done, and what not to do, which also in turn influences what I do right now, this second. But I feel content with it. Not knowing if what I do now, in my modern time will really work or not. My mind is all over the place constantly, and I think that is something I like about Modern life, It moves so fast that I can't stop to regret what I've thought. but I'll learn from it and not dwell.

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